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Caycedian sophrology is based on contemporary neurology, hypnosis, meditation and Raja Yoga to  harmonize consciousness.

When we are hungry, we eat; when we are thirsty, we drink. But how do we respond to the needs of our conscience?

Everyone is unique and our lives reflect the consciousness within us; to take care of ourselves is also to respond to and take care of our consciousness.


Sophrology offers dynamic relaxation methods in a state of wakefulness using a variety of specific techniques including alternating breathing exercises, visualizations, as well as physical and mental exercises. By acting in the present, we can soften the past and take advantage of its positive foundations to move toward a serene future.




Hypnotherapy works through the beneficial state of mind in which we naturally find ourselves several times a day without even knowing it. Through hypnotherapy, positive and restorative thoughts, feelings, and emotions are brought back voluntarily from the unconscious mind into consciousness to reveal themselves and have a positive impact in our lives. By clearly setting and following stated objectives, we can enlist our innate systems of repair and protection to optimize our physical, mental and emotional states.


Hypnotherapy is a means of communication with our whole being that allows us to positively update our mental programs, to develop and activate our inner resources to achieve balance. Learning self-hypnosis affords us greater access to our brain capacities and allows us to be the master of our own wellbeing.

To know more about
Maya Turatti

Caycedian Sophrologist MSSC

Master specialist in caycedian sophrology 

International Academy of Caycedian Sophrology Sofrocay



Advanced Swiss Hypnotherapy

NGH National Guild of Hypnotists USA


Meditation Instructor

Chan & Mindfulness FGS


Coach Individual & Trainer





my formation

It is the path traced by the regular practice of meditation that led me

 to the study of Caycedian sophrology and hypnotherapy,

 coming from the same bases and adapted to our times, as well as to our culture and current pace of life.


It is important for me to provide experimential support

accessible to all and practical in everyday personal, family and professional life

Therapist approved asca, EMR, Visana
for sophrology & hypnosis
in Geneva, Nyon, Gland, your home


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