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Sophrology  Hypnotherapy


Caycedian sophrology (individual or in group session) and hypnotherapy

 span a wide range

of healing applications, allowing to apply

 the approach best suited to your needs.


From the first session, a stabilization emotional

and mental can thus be brought.

Individual session

Sophrology in individual session

Session involving a relaxation phase, the elimination of tensions and the treatment technique according to your needs.

Allowance to save the technique to benefit then at home.

Hypnotherapy in individual session and selfhypnosis

Sessions starting with a preparatory relaxation phase followed by the planned programming.

A training of selfhypnosis is proposed to you to consolidate this new state of well-being.


Specific treatment


Freedom from addictions and dependencies :

tobacco, food, alcohol, compulsions, social networks, gaming…


Manage weight and body image :

heal eating disorders and improve body image


Pain relief :

chronic physical symptoms or pain resulting from an accident or operation


Support through treatment of disease :

energy recovery, pre- and post-operative periods,

palliative situation


Stress prevention and management :

identify and relieve symptoms of exhaustion, burnout,

chronic fatigue, support for caregivers


Rediscover restful sleep :

help in falling asleep, staying asleep, maximizing restorative sleep states


System regulation and balance :

activation of vital energy, thermoregulation,

mobility, flexibility and proprioception



Managing anxiety disorders :

anxiety, fears, phobias, blockages


Recovery from emotional trauma :

intense, destabilizing or painful events

 (separation, divorce, job loss, bereavement)


Adaptation to change and positive transformation :

 adolescence, mid-life, menopause and andropause, advanced age,

family and professional changes, support for caregivers,

travel planning, expatriation


Personal development :

awareness of abilities, confidence and self-esteem


Preparation for school, professional,

sports and artistic performances :

strengthening concentration and improving memory,

controlling stress during exams

(school, driver’s license, professional test, job interview)

and public performances (presentations, artistic auditions, sports competitions)


Sophrology for Wellness

Specialized sophrology programs

individually or in private groups, companies, institutions, sports and artistic clubs

sophro soin Mieux dormir

Program of 5 sessions


destined people with insomnia disorder or if you want to improve the quality of your sleep

  • Better sleep to be better

  • Know how to relax

  • Recover energy and vitality

  • Improve concentration and memory

  • Increase the efficiency of your sleep

Each session includes a theoretical explanation based on scientific data (Insomnia severity index assessment), a specific technique and application advice.


sophro soin mieux-être

Program of 8 sessions

To develop your resistance stress, improve your quality of life on a personal level as social and professional. 

  • Respond to stressors while preserving your health and maintain serenity through breathing

  • Eliminate tensions and somatize the positive

  • Learn to disconnect 

  • Evoke the positive past and living your personal values

The sessions include a thematic presentation followed by an evolving practical sophrology technique. The themes are adaptable according to your needs.


 in your personal & professional life

sophro en groupe.jpg

Continuous program


Training of dynamic relaxation techniques to follow regularly or join according to your availability.

  • Improve the quality of your life and become aware of your body pattern.

  • Release and eliminate physical and mental tensions.

  • Activate your vital energy.

  • Eliminate repetitive negative patterns.

  • Somatize the positive and project it into your future.

The exercises are performed

in comfortable postures.

Next course on request



& Reimbursement 


Individual session of sophrology or hypnotherapy : CHF 130.- per hour 

Program of sophrology in group (dynamic relaxation) : CHF 25.- per person for one-hour, CHF 80.- for one month.

Programs of sophrology in company, institution, club : estimate according to the number of participants.

Extra-travel : according to estimate.


Sophrology and hypnosis are approved by asca & RME for reimbursement or contribution to costs (individual or cours)

according to the conditions of your supplementary insurance.

We recommended that you check the terms of your insurance contract and to make sure that your insurer is under agreement, follow these links :

Sophrology and hypnotherapy provide non-medicinal support but do not replace medical treatments.

Therapist approved asca, EMR, Visana
for sophrology & hypnosis
in Geneva, Nyon, Gland, your home

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